The epidemics of Covid-19 has been challenged the whole planet. The Control and Modelling Group (GCOM) could not be aside of this moment. Therefore, some effort has been doing to minimize the suffer and to put our expertise on modelling and control and related topics to face such challenge. Here, we would like to describe some of these iniativess. More details get in touch with Dr. E G. Nepomuceno: nepomuceno@ufsj.edu.br


    Reports Webinar Research Projects | Social Support

    • Technical Report 01 - Effect of Isolation on the number of cases by COVID-19 in the State of Minas Gerais ()
    • Technical Report 02 - A required isolation index to support the health system during the pandemic of Covid-19 in Minas Gerais - - Matlab suport files (zip)
    • Technical Report 03 - A new control strategy for the lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic (in Portuguese) (pdf) (code) -

    • Webnar on 14 May 2020 - 14h - Prof. David Alonso (Spain) (pdf)
    • Webnar on 30 April 2020 - 18h. See informations here (pdf).
      • Dr. Agulhari (UFTPR) is going to present a broad perspective on modern control and its potential application to the control of epidemics such as Covid19. (In Portuguese - 
      • Slides (pdf)
      • Used programs in the talk - Matlab source (zip)

    Research Projects
    • Support for IEEE Latin America Transactions for a Special Issue on Fighting against COVID-19: Scientific and Technological Solutions from Engineering ().
    • Â鶹ÊÓƵ research project supported by Â鶹ÊÓƵ - PIE-Covid-19: Modeling and control techniques to resolve the contagion and spread of Covid-19 (See project).
    • Extended version of this project submitted to . 
    • A team of researcheers from 21 universities are working on an ellaboration of a CNPq project entitled: Mathematical modelling of the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2: Application of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Complex Networks and Control Theory.

    Social Support
    • Support to a regional social project called Fraterna del-Rei. See more details on  which has been financially supported by . 

    Última atualização: 22/05/2020