Since it was first founded, Â鶹ÊÓƵ's core activities have been the inseparability of teaching, research and extension activities. These activities are legal requirements for a higher education institution to be able to use the meritorious title of University, according to the Federal Constitution in its art.207, the LDB 9394/96 in its art.52 and following and the CNE/CES Resolution n.2 of April 7, 1998, which point out that a university must carry out research activities and institutionalized production for the purposes of accreditation and the provision of a high quality public service.
Once the undergraduate courses had been consolidated, since 1998 the institution has chosen as priority goals in its Strategic Institutional Development Plan (PEDI), the expansion of the qualification of its teaching staff at doctoral level, the formation and establishment of research groups, based on the expansion of lato sensu graduate studies, which would serve as a precursor to the implementation of stricto sensu graduate studies. Despite complying with what the LDB prescribes in its Article 52.II, the institution strives for excellence so that there is research throughout the institution and a link between undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Â鶹ÊÓƵ is among the institutions that have invested heavily in teaching qualifications, increasingly training itself to expand its autonomy in the production of knowledge, its socialization in teaching and extension to the community.
In a context of continuous expansion and strengthening of research at Â鶹ÊÓƵ, the Department of Educational Sciences (DECED), which houses the Master's Program, currently has a research group - Multidisciplinary Research Group on the Foundations of Educational Practice, FUPE, set up in 2002 and coordinated by Professor Dr. Écio Antônio Portes. Nine undergraduate courses at Â鶹ÊÓƵ are directly involved in teacher training, which makes FUPE a relevant group for undergraduate courses, as it has established itself as a critical body that develops reflections and research in education, as can be seen from the production that accompanies the Research Programs under the responsibility of the teachers/researchers who make up the program's faculty. Also noteworthy is the involvement of FUPE professors/researchers in projects aimed at the great social demand for continuing teacher training (PROEXT and Extracampus), as well as their participation in Pedagogy course activities aimed at researching education in out-of-school spaces.
In addition to their involvement with FUPE, some members of the group actively participate in research groups linked to other institutions in Brazil and the United States: Prof. Dr. Carlos Henrique de Souza Gerken is a member of the Indigenous Education Group, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes, from FAE/UFMG; Prof. Dr. Écio Antônio Portes is a researcher affiliated with the Sociological Observatory Family and School, OSFE- coordinated by Prof. Dr. Maria Alice Nogueira, from FAE/UFMG; Prof. Dr. Marise Rocha Santana, a collaborator of the Program, participates in the research laboratory linked to the Faculty of Education at UFRJ, as a member of the Environmental Education Research Group (GEA-UFRJ) coordinated by Prof. Sperry, from FAE/UFMG. Marise Rocha Santana, a collaborator in the Program, is a member of the research laboratory linked to the Faculty of Education at UFRJ, as a member of the Environmental Education Research Group (GEA-UFRJ) coordinated by Professor Speranza Franca da Mata; Professors Maria do Socorro Alencar Nunes Macedo and Murilo Cruz Leal are members of the Language, Culture and Cognition in the Science Classroom group, coordinated by Professor Eduardo Fleury Mortimer, from FAE/UFMG, who is also a collaborator in the Program. In addition to these partnerships, Professor Maria do Socorro Alencar Nunes Macedo maintains contacts with the University of California - Santa Barbara (USA), through Professors Judith Green and Carol Dixon.Prof. Dr. Laerthe de Moraes Abreu Junior maintains contacts and exchanges research experience with researchers from Portugal: Prof. Dr. Justino Magalhães from the University of Lisbon and Prof. Dr. Margarida Felgueiras from the University of Porto; as well as with Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Menezes from the Faculty of Education at UNICAMP.
DECED also has another research group - the Nucleus of Studies: Body, Culture, Expression and Languages - NECCEL, set up in 2002 and currently coordinated by Professor Dr. Lucia Helena Pena Pereira. This group involves three professors from the Department, in addition to the coordinator: Prof. Dr. Wanderley Cardoso de Oliveira, who is part of the construction of the Master's proposal, Prof. Dr. Kleber Sacramento Adão, who is preparing to join the Master's course team in the future, and Prof. Elaine Valéria Rizzuti, who is on leave for her PhD. Students from the Pedagogy, Psychology and Physical Education courses also take part. NECCEL discusses topics that need to be studied and reflected on, and which are inseparable from pedagogical practice, such as corporeity and different languages. Due to its comprehensive nature, it is organized into three lines of research that have been supported by Scientific Initiation scholarship holders: a) Body, ideology and education; b) Images of the body; c) Body language and expression in pedagogical practice.
The Department of Educational Sciences also has the NAEB, the Basic Education Support Center, coordinated by Professor Dr. Maria do Socorro Alencar Nunes Macedo. The NAEB is responsible for implementing the PROEXT 2005/2006 continuing education program for the Vertentes Region. It includes professors Murilo Cruz Leal, Lúcia Helena Pena Pereira and Laerthe de Moraes Abreu Junior, professors from the Master's program, as well as professors from DCNAT and DMAT. PROEXT is in its third year of operation and is funded by MEC/SESU, serving 350 teachers from municipal schools in the cities that make up the Association of Municipalities of the Vertentes Region (AMVER).
The proposal for a stricto sensu postgraduate program in education at Â鶹ÊÓƵ is justified by the desire to transform the experience already acquired in systematic lato sensu postgraduate programs, seeking to meet the expectations created by the National Postgraduate Plan: 2005-2010. In fact, this plan aims both to correct intra-regional disparities and to increase the training of higher education teaching staff. In addition, the PNPG states that the objective of national postgraduate studies is "the training of teachers for all levels of education", as the 1996 LDB also states in its article 66. With the qualified teaching staff of DECED and other departments associated with the Master's degree, Â鶹ÊÓƵ is committed to training teachers in its region. In this context, a master's degree becomes a means of deepening academic training, developing research in education and enabling undergraduate students to become increasingly involved in research.
The proposal for the Postgraduate Program in Education Socio-educational processes and school practices is based on three basic guidelines:
a) the need to contribute to the consolidation of qualified research groups that already exist in the institution and that provide the conditions for the other two guidelines;
b) the urgent need to improve the training of teachers working in primary and secondary education;
c) the need to train qualified professionals for teaching in higher education, due to the growing demand for higher education institutions in the country.

The Graduate Program in Education Socio-educational processes and school practices aims to develop research and studies on educational practices in school and non-school contexts, considering issues related to the production and circulation of knowledge produced in these contexts. Based on the assumption that education is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, it is important, in addition to the macro aspects, to also consider the micro aspects that make up educational practices. These aspects must be understood in the light of the socio-cultural context in which they are constituted and how they manifest themselves in the relationship between theory and practice.
Educational practices and the interactions they create always take place in a context permeated by a multiplicity of meanings that are part of a cultural universe, a universe that is not always considered to be the object of "first-line" research. Our intention is to seek, in the process of investigating different educational phenomena, not simply the reflection of a social structure or the way in which this structure is constituted, but also its subjective and intersubjective aspects, as indicated by the work carried out in the context of the Research Programs of the Program's professors.
Alongside the ethnographic approach, new approaches in the fields of the sociology of education, the history of education, philosophy, psychology, body studies and language studies began to influence the movement towards the so-called sociocultural approach. This conjuncture opens the way for innovative elaborations and reflections that reconceptualize, among other things, the notions of object, subject, educational processes, theories and practices, understanding and discourse, building a conception of educational practices as a complex sociocultural phenomenon and as a space for the production and not just the reproduction of relations between subjects, institutions and systems.
CAPES Evaluation  - Quadrennial 2017-2020 (Click here)

Última atualização: 24/07/2024