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Master's and Doctorate



The Graduate Program in Bioengineering (PPBE) is administered by Coordination, Collegiate and Secretariat


Executive body composed of the Coordinator and the Vice-Coordinator, elected from among their peers on the permanent staff and by the students, with a two-year term of office. The PPBE Coordination is directly subordinated to the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (PROPE) of Â鶹ÊÓƵ.


Prof. Antônio Márcio Rodrigues



Luciana Guimarães Chitarra




Regulatory, consultative and deliberative body composed of the Course Coordinator, the Vice-Coordinator, two professors from the permanent staff of the Program, elected by their peers, and a student representative, also elected by their peers


Prof. Antônio  Márcio Rodrigues


Profª. Cláudia Teixeira Guimarães

Profª. Sylvia Morais de Sousa Tinoco

Prof. Antônio-Carlos Guimarães de Almeida


Silas Moreira de Lima - Representante

Dafne Mendes Soares - Suplente



1. The Program Board is composed of the Coordinator, who presides over it, the Vice-Coordinator, elected by the professors and students of the course, by two professors, elected by the peers who make up the faculty, and also by a student representative, elected by regularly enrolled students.

a) The terms of office of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator in the Collegiate are two years, with a single reappointment being allowed.

b) The faculty members of the Collegiate have a term of office of two years, successive reappointments being allowed, and the student representative has a term of office of one year.

c) The student representative must have an alternate for his/her position, elected by the students regularly enrolled.

d) The professors and Vice-Coordinator are representatives of each of the Program's three lines of research. It is allowed the formalization of a rotation, agreed between the teaching pairs, for the representation of each line in the Collegiate and also for the position of Vice-Coordinator.

e) In the election of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator, the calculation of valid votes will take place in accordance with the voting rate reached, per candidate, as established in the General Regulation of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Courses at Â鶹ÊÓƵ.


2. The Board will meet ordinarily, recorded in the Minutes, on dates to be established by the Program calendar, and extraordinarily, when necessary, by the call of the President or by 2/3 (two thirds) of its members, with minimum advance notice of 48 hours.

a) A representative who, without a duly justified reason, misses more than three consecutive or five alternate meetings will cease to be a member of the Board.

b) The professor who will replace the absent representative, in the case dealt with in the previous item, will be chosen by election from among the professors of the program, as established in the item below.


3. The election for renewal of the Board will be called by the Coordinator 30 days before the end of the mandate of the Board to be renewed and will be processed by secret ballot, within a period of 30 days from the date of summons.

a) Candidates to be part of the Board must formally express this intention to the Program Coordination up to five days before the date stipulated for voting.

b) All teachers formally accredited for the Program will have the right to vote.

c) The Collegiate will appoint a commission of three professors of the Program, to proceed with the electoral process. After the end of the process, the commission must present to the Collegiate the minutes with the results of the election which, after being approved, within a maximum period of five days, will be forwarded to the Higher Administration of Â鶹ÊÓƵ, for publication of an appointment Ordinance.

d) The system established in the previous paragraphs applies to cases of total renewal of the body and, where applicable, to the replacement of its members.

e) In the event of replacement of a teaching representative, this must take place within a maximum period of thirty days, between the call and the publication of the Ordinance with the new representation.


It is incumbent upon the Collegiate of the Postgraduate Program in Bioengineering:

I. establish the course's didactic-pedagogical guidelines;

II. to approve the annual report of the activities developed in the course;

III. decide, in the first instance, on appeals, referring to matters of an academic and disciplinary nature;

IV. to approve norms on the elaboration of “Master's Dissertation” and “Doctoral Thesis”;

V. ratify the study plan prepared by the student, together with the advisor;

VI. ratify thesis and dissertation projects, approved by the supervisor;

VII. ratify the results of the “Qualification Exam”;

VIII. homologate dissertation and thesis defense results;

IX. ratify the composition of the qualifying examination, dissertation and thesis defense committees;

X. to approve, by recommendation of the supervisor, the extension of deadlines;

XI. appoint the supervisor, after consultation with the teaching staff;

XII. appoint the steering committee, at the advisor's request;

XIII. approving and evaluating the work plans and the annual report of the Course Coordinator's activities;

XIV. approve enrollment in isolated disciplines;

XV. establish the rules for the qualification exam;

XVI. evaluate the performance report of the course professors;

XVII. establish the course's operating rules and submit them to CONEP, through the Dean;

XVIII. organize, guide, supervise and coordinate any activities related to the Program;

XIX. propose and program the curriculum of the Program and its amendments, including the list of disciplines or activities, specifying: their mandatory or elective nature, their nature (theoretical/practical), the number of credits, the prerequisite(s) (s) and the menus;

XX. to present to the Departments linked to the Program, the complete information of each discipline to be offered in the following semester;

XXI. proceed with the accreditation and re-accreditation of the professors who will integrate the Program;

XXII. to approve the public notice proposal prepared by the Program Coordination for the selection and admission to the Program;

XXIII. define, annually, the maximum number of vacancies in the Program, for the selection process of candidates for the Program, based on the installed capacity and the teaching staff;

XXIV. constitute, annually, the Selection Committee of candidates for the Program and approve the programs for the assessment of knowledge of the selection process and the Program selection minutes, forwarding the list of those approved to the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies;

XXV. decide on the equivalence of Postgraduate courses, taken at other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), with curricular subjects of the Program;

XXVI. decide on the use of credits obtained in other stricto sensu Graduate Programs from other Higher Education Institutions, observing the provisions of this Regulation;

XXVII. decide on the dismissal of students, in the cases provided for in the regulations in force;

XXVIII. decide on the re-entry of students;

XXIX. decide on requests to interrupt studies, in the cases provided for in the regulations in force;

XXX. to deliberate on the acceptance of special students;

XXXI. review and approve the plan for the application of financial resources allocated to the Program;

XXXII. propose agreements, for proper processing, through the coordination of the Program.

XXXIII. participate in the Program's programmed self-assessment processes;

XXXIV. to propose, when necessary, reformulations in the Program's internal regulations, submitting them for consideration and approval by CONEP;

XXXV. to judge the decisions of the Coordinator, on appeal, to be filed within the non-extendable period of five working days of the decision;

XXXVI. to judge requests for cancellation of enrollments and enrollment outside the deadlines set by the school calendar in individual subjects, pursuant to these Rules.


It is incumbent upon the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Bioengineering:

I. ensure the conditions of organization and operation of the course;

II. to prepare the annual plan of activities of the collegiate and of the course coordinator, with the respective budget proposal;

III. take decisions ad referendum of the course collegiate, submitting them for approval at the first following meeting;

IV. prepare the timetable for offering the course subjects;

V. monitor the performance of professors regarding the execution of Teaching, Research and Guidance activities and forward the corresponding report to the course collegiate for evaluation;

SAW. exercise disciplinary power within the scope of its competence;

VII. prepare a proposal for a calendar of meetings of the course collegiate;

VIII. to convene and preside over the meetings of the course collegiate, in which he will have a vote as a member and of quality;

IX. provide for the filling of vacancies, in the event of a vacancy of a member of the collegiate;

X. represent the course in higher internal and external bodies;

XI. direct the administrative activities of the Program Coordination;

XII. prepare the Program schedules, including the Public Notice regarding the selection system, submitting them to the Board for approval;

XIII. prepare plans for the application of resources from Â鶹ÊÓƵ, or from external funding agencies, submitting them to the Board for approval;

XIV.promote understandings with the competent sectors in order to obtain human and material resources for the development of the Program;

XV.promote the effective integration of Graduate and Undergraduate teaching;

XVI.delegating attributions to the Vice-Coordinator;

XVII.execute the decisions of the Collegiate and monitor the didactic-pedagogical activities of the Program;

XVIII. forward to the competent sector, after the end of each academic period, the final results of the subjects taught;

XIX. Communicate to the competent sector opinions regarding the processes of student enrollment and termination suspensions;

XX. to prepare, annually, the report of the activities of the Program and forward it for the consideration of the Collegiate, as well as to the other pertinent bodies of the Â鶹ÊÓƵ;

XXI.promote, periodically, a self-assessment of the Program with the participation of the Collegiate, professors and students;

XXII. call elections for the renewal of the Collegiate and for the choice of representatives of the student body;

XXIII.promote exchanges with institutions that support Research and Graduate Studies.

XXIV.submit to the appreciation of the Board, for accreditation or re-accreditation, names of professors and/or researchers who will compose the faculty of the Program;

XXV.propose to the Program Board the dismissal of students, in the cases provided for in the regulations in force;

XXVI. submit to the Collegiate the requests for interruption of studies, in the form of these Regulations and other rules on the matter;

XXVII.submit to the Collegiate the processes of use of studies, according to the criteria stipulated in arts. 31 and 32, and the transfer of students;

XXVIII. submit to the Collegiate the requests for enrollment of special agreement student, in the regimental form;

XXIX.submit to the Board's appreciation the appointment of professors to carry out specific activities related to the development of the Program.


It is incumbent upon the Program Vice-Coordinator:

I. replace the Coordinator in his/her impediments;

a) In case of impediment of the Vice-Coordinator to replace the Coordinator, the coordination will be exercised temporarily by the Dean of the Collegiate.

b) In case of permanent removal of the Coordinator, a new election must be carried out, according to the stipulated criteria.

Última atualização: 13/05/2022